Purpose of Sport
Dr Victor Pendleton
Sport & Exercise Psychologist
Sem2, 2004
Project due in seven weeks: 5Oct
Dont delay!
Definitions of Psychology
The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.
The emotional, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics of an individual, a group, or an activity.
Subtle tactical action or argument used to manipulate or influence another:
Definition of Sport Psychology
The science that deals with mental processes and behavior in the sport context
Two broad interest categories:
The effect that sport participation has on the psychological characteristics of individuals
The effect that psychological characteristics have on sport performance and participation.
Sport Psychology
The study of psychological factors influencing, and psychological effects derived from, participation and performance in sport and exercise.
Applied Sport Psychology involves the application of psychological principles to influence sport participation, performance, and effect.
What is Sport?
What is sport?
Is there a difference between sports and games?
Is archery a sport? Chess? Golf? Music?
Definition used in Sport in
Society course:
Sports are institutionalized competitive activities that involve vigorous
physical exertion or the use of relatively complex physical skills by
individuals whose participation is motivated by a combination of personal
enjoyment and extrinsic rewards (Coakley, 1998, p19).
Vigorous physical exertion
or Complex physical skills
Institutionalized: rules
Participation motivated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors
Purpose of Sport
What is the purpose of sport?
Purpose of Sport
Purpose of sport:
Practice skills for war: war games
fencing, javelin, archery, combat shooting
Improve health and fitness
Fun, recreation
Character building, personal growth
Purpose of Sport
Character building /personal growth
Social competence
Personal Growth
Self Concept
involves comparison
influenced by significant others & by experience
Purpose of Sport
Using sport as a metaphor, a vehicle, for personal growth
Sport can help, sport can hurt
Purpose of Sport
Political Motives
Pre WW2
YMCA: Muscular Christianity movement
Christians are not weak-minded
Purpose of Sport
Varies across individuals
Possible Motives for Martial Arts Training
To win competitions.
To learn self-defense.
Exercise, fitness.
Fun, Social experience
Personal growth.
Purpose of Sport
Varies across organizations
Look at organizational charters: UQ Sport, BBC, AIS, Special Olympics
-UQSport profit, increase # members
-BBC personal growth of athletes
-AIS development of elite athletes
Purpose of Sport
Varies with age and skill level:
Youth physical, emotional, and social development
Adolescent - promotion of organization, recreation,
Adult - health & fitness, recreation, enjoyment
Elite - profit, national pride
Purpose of Sport
Possible Motives to Participate in Martial Arts Training
Martial Arts Student - many listed previously
Martial Arts Parent - Vicarious fulfillment of their dream. Self defense
Martial Arts Teacher - Recognition. advancement
Purpose of Sport
May Differ Across Athlete, Organization, Coach, Parent
mismatches of purpose:
Athlete Organization
Coach Athlete
Parent Coach
Parent Athlete
What Sport Psychologists Do
Depends on the client
Say you are hired by the
Who is the client?
Purpose vs. Action
Motivations Strategy
make a profit good experience, performance, etc.
Improve health Adherence, effort and fitness
To win - Performance enhancement
Fun/recreation Pleasant experiences
Personal growth Structured experiences
What Sport Psychologists Do
Professional Practice of Sport Psychology: qualifications
Masters degree
1000 hours supervised experience
Registration with Psychologists Board
What Sport Psychologists Do
-Much of the early literature is written by US people who were not registered psychologists
-Assist with problems of everyday living:
-Grief, Loss, Depression, Eating Disorders,
Listening, Reflecting, Empathy
What Sport Psychologists Do
Teach, research, practice
Therapist factors predict treatment outcome:
Integrate with existing training
Developmental triad
The Will to Train
I dont do things half-heartedly
because that yields half-hearted results. Thats why I approach practice and
games in the same way
The will to win is important but
the will to prepare is vital. Joe Paterno
Common Problems
Lack of Awareness
Lack of Concentration
Low Self-Confidence
Competitive Anxiety
apprehension, fear, tension
outcome focused
Common Interventions
Self Monitoring
Self Talk
Mental Imagery
Goal Setting
Psycho-ed, meaning
Levels of Skill
Three level model (MAS, 1989 UK)
1. Common interventions: imagery, relaxation
2. Specific, manualized therapies
3. Ability to apply psychological theory to solve difficult & complex problems
Level 3
Sport doesnt occur in isolation
What Makes a Good Sport Psyc?
Sport knowledge?
Should a Sport Psychologist be an Athlete?
the act of understanding the feelings, thoughts, & experiences of another
Will direct sport experience relate to ones ability to empathize?
Techniques for Enhancing Individual Motivation
Yell & scream
Create a sense of urgency by placing increased importance on certain contests
Rewards & praise
Promote intrinsic motivation by defining success appropriately and focusing on absolute standards: personalized performance measures
Help athletes take control of success by making internal attributions, specifically to effort.
Use content feedback to provide athletes with knowledge of their performance.
Set specific, challenging yet realistically attainable goals.
Use performance windows to evaluate performance and to sustain motivation.
Teach athletes that they can control their effort and, consequently, their performance. Tie reward to process, not outcome.
Some Words on Meaning
Sport psychology practice is based
largely on CBT and Trait theories of psychology.
There is an emerging recognition of the potential of Existential Phenomenological approaches to Sport Psych: behaviour influenced by individually constructed meanings.
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind"
Rudyard Kipling