Criteria, Weights, and Standards for Self Change Project.








Problem Statement

Clearly defined and exemplary in all aspects of SMART

Clearly defined and exemplary in most aspects of SMART

Clearly defined and exemplary in some aspects of SMART

Adequately defined. Clearly stated at the beginning.

Definition is adequate but lacks clarity


Work is exemplary in all of the following areas: structure, accuracy, definition, and interpretation.

Work is exemplary in 3 of the following areas: structure, accuracy, definition, or interpretation.

Work is exemplary in two of the following areas: structure, accuracy, definition, or interpretation.

Complete & adequate structure and interpretation. Work is accurate and success is defined.

Incomplete/invalid in one of the following areas: interpretation of literature, success criteria, structure or accuracy


Standards for 4 and exemplary in 3 or more methods.

Standards for 4 and exemplary in two methods

Standards for 4 and exemplary in one method

Is suitable and comprehensive. Clear presentation of baseline & result

Is unsuitable or lacks comprehensiveness

Appropriateness of intervention3

3 interventions are comprehensively supported by 3 or more relevant sources

2 interventions are comprehensively supported by 3 or more sources

One intervention is comprehensively supported by 3 or more sources

Adequate support is given for each intervention.

Minimal support is missing for one intervention

Intervention Mechanism of Change4

Exemplary explanation is given for 3 interventions

Exemplary explanation is given for 2 interventions

Exemplary explana-tion is given for one intervention

Minimal explanation is given for all interventions

Explanation is missing for only one intervention

Intervention time factors5

Comprehensively addresses three intervention

Comprehensively addresses two intervention

Comprehensively addresses one intervention

Justify expectations of degree & rate of change for each intervention

Not addressed for only one intervention

Intervention Check6

Standards for 6  using creative methods to access difficult material

Two+ interventions were systematically checked and improved as needed

One intervention was systematically checked and improved as needed

All appropriate interventions were adequately checked

One intervention was not checked

Evaluation plan7

Evaluation, interpretation, and modification plan demonstrates a complete & integrated under-standing of all outcomes

Evaluation, interpretation, and modification plan demonstrates a complete & integrated under-standing of two outcomes

Evaluation, interpretation, and modification plan demonstrates a complete & integrated under-standing of one outcome

Method is adequate to determine change in all outcome variables. Clear contract in place.

One aspect of the project was improperly evaluated

Research Quality8

All referenced sources are comprehensively, & insightfully  critiqued

Most referenced sources are comprehensively, & insightfully  critiqued

Some referenced sources are comprehensively, & insightfully  critiqued

Original research is   adequately critiqued in terms of practical applicability, causality

Some references source is not adequately critiqued or few original articles sourced

Formatting and writing style

Standard for 6 plus creative use of graphics or other methods to enhance delivery

Standard for 5. Also, style is lucid and markedly enhances the quality of the presentation.

Style is clear and formatting is proper. Organization reflects the criteria and highlights project-relevant sections.

Style is adequately clear and organized. Proper APA formatting style is used for references

Writing style is unclear and hard to follow, or APA formatting was not used, or many typos or grammatical errors



1.      Exemplary operationalization means creative and highly accurate methods of measuring difficult-to-access psychological content

2.      Exemplary assessment means use of appropriate, reliable, and empirically validated instruments or methods.

3.      Comprehensively supported means that issues related to type of sport, type of evaluation, and athlete/individual characteristics are addressed in detail by the use of 3 or more current, peer-reviewed sources (i.e. original articles). Essentially addresses why the intervention will work in the present context.

4.      Exemplary explanation of mechanism of change means that the process by which change happens due to intervention is clearly articulated and detailed. Details are supported by at least 3 original articles that specifically address the use of the intervention for change.

5.      Comprehensive addressing of time factors means that issues related to duration of treatment and associated expected levels of change are addressed and supported by 3 or more original, peer-reviewed sources dealing specifically with change using the subject intervention

6.      Systematic intervention checks involve verification using validated instruments or methods. Techniques are supported by evidence based on peer-reviewed literature.

7.      Complete & integrated understanding of evaluation means that the student demonstrates a well thought out grasp of all factors related to the intervention outcome, and is able to integrate this knowledge in a cohesive manner that optimizes the likelihood of ultimately achieving maximum desired results.

8.      A comprehensive and insightful critique scrutinizes cited research in terms of factors related to research quality in a manner that demonstrates a relatively sophisticated understanding of research quality issues that could potentially affect the intervention. ‘Source’ articles were cited.